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For Donors

“Education is still the most promising way to a life of progress and prosperity.”

When it comes to helping students find money for college every gift makes a huge difference. The CAPE Legacy Fund is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to provide assistance to students of modest means who are striving to complete their college education. Your contribution would help these students pay their tuition, buy computer equipment, purchase books and respond to emergent and unforeseen needs.

Consider the following:

  • The socioeconomic gap is widening between the rich and poor peoples of the world
  • The number of families being classified as low income is increasing every year
  • There is a correlation between low income and achievement—the higher the family income of the student, the higher the achievement of the student in school
  • Over a lifetime, people with a college degree can expect to earn $1 million more than those with only a high school diploma
  • In the United States today, less than 15% of children from low income families will get a bachelor’s degree, compared to 26% nationwide and more than 50% in high income communities (Source:  I Have a Dream Foundation)

“It would be a travesty for a high achieving student not to realize her/his dreams just because of being born poor.”

Last year, the CAPE Legacy Fund provided funds to nursing and military students who needed tuition assistance, emergency funds for transportation to return to college and, in partnership with another foundation, provided monies to students to complete tutoring sessions and summer school classes. All gift dollars significantly impact student lives.

You can help lift a financial burden and fuel a dream. Please send a donation today made payable to CAPE Legacy Fund here.